Webasto Duel Top Service

REEVES DAVID 23.03.2014 19:44

Hi, Sorry this is in English, but can anyone recommend somewhere to get a Webasto Duel Top serviced? I am getting 5 flashing error lights which apparently is the Hot Air Blower faulty, Have just had the van into a Auto Elect Shop and they fitted a new unit but it hasn´t fixed the issue, they would now like to change the 500 euro control unit, but admit they have never worked on a Duel Top before and it is getting to be expensive guess work!

I am based in Lohja but happy to travel if I can find someone who knows what they are doing

AHJOS TIMO 23.03.2014 20:15

Hello, The link below opens the reseller list of www.kaha.fi who import the Webasto products to Finland. I hope this helps:


HJELM ARTO-VEIKKO 23.03.2014 21:25

This is good place



AHJOS TIMO 23.03.2014 21:37

I agree. That's the place where my Webasto was fixed last year.

REEVES DAVID 24.03.2014 19:54

Thanks for the heads up, Last time I had problems with this I did find the list of Webasto dealers, but the ones I got a reply from none of them would work on a motorhome.

I will contact autovarustelu and see what they can do :)

MERIÖ LAURI 26.03.2014 12:29

I think that Autovarustelu is the only shop which has some practice with Dual Top. But please prepare for long delivery time for spare parts. Seems that Kaha uses letter pigeons and horse caravans. Otherwise it couldn't take so long as with my repair. At December 2012 a new controller was ordered as warranty for my Dual Top. The part arrived finally at May 2013!!!

BACKMAN JUHANI 26.03.2014 13:16

Eiko tämä ole sfc karavans sivut niin eikö sivut ole tarkoittettu kaikkien ymmärrettäksi vaan oisko perustettava oma kerho suomen taitamattomille johon olis jopa salasana ja oma sivu?????????????????????????????????????++

MERIÖ LAURI 26.03.2014 20:38

Tämän ketjun aloittaja ei osaa meikäläisten kotikieltä mutta haki rohkeasti apua ongelmaansa suomalaisten karavaanarien syvistä riveistä. Tälle jutulle oli oma perusteensa olla englanninkielinen ja tuskin vaatii jatkotoimenpiteitä. Suomalaiset karavaanarit osoittivat avuliaisuutensa ja ystävällisyytensä vaikka avunpyytäjä oli vieras.

Eikä nyt auttaessa ollut sitä vaaraa että huijarit olisi vieneet tekaistulla onnettomuudella lompakon :)

KARJALAINEN ALPO 26.03.2014 21:09

Karavaanarihan on kaikkien kaveri ja kaikilla kielillä!

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