GO-boxin palauttaminen

KERÄNEN KAUKO 15.04.2012 09:22


Olen muutamia vuosia jo käyttänyt reissuillani Itävallassa GO-boxia. Ja ei siinä mitään, se on ollut helppoa ja vaivatonta.

Tähän mennessä olen vaan suunnilleen aina arvioinut ajokilometrit ja sen mukaan ladannut sinne rahaa. Kuitenkin minimi summa on 75€.

Mutta nyt tuli kysymys, koska aioin luopua siitä. Ja olisi kiva, ettei sinne jäisi kovinkaan paljoa euroja sisään.

Kysymys: Jos palautan pois tullessani boxin jollekin huoltoasemalle, saanko kojeessa sisällä olevan raha määränkäteeni? Sattuisko joku tietämään? Yritin etsiä GO-box sivuilta vastausta, mutta joko en huomannut tai älynnyt sitä.

Kiitos jos joku viitsii vasta :)

KERÄNEN KAUKO 15.04.2012 09:25

Vastata :)

KATAJISTO VESA 15.04.2012 12:24

Tällaista tietoa löytyy GO-Box -sivuilta:

"What shall I do with a GO-Box I no longer need?

GO-Boxes you no longer need can either be returned to one of our GO sales outlets or sent to us by post. Before any GO-Boxes that are no longer needed are transported by using the road network requiring toll (e.g. by one of your drivers or by a postal services company), please make sure to have them blocked either by us or by rendering them “out of working order” by using the special protective packaging material.

You can obtain protective packaging free of charge at all GO sales outlets. In order to protect the GO-Boxes appropriately, it is also possible to use normal household aluminium foil instead of the special protective packaging, simply by wrapping it around the GO-Boxes concerned at least three times.

There are several ways to have your GO-Box blocked (due to the impending contract termination).

By fax: +43 (0)1 955 12 77 By e-mail: info@go-maut.at By telephone: 0800 400 12 400 or +43 (0)1 955 12 66

For blocking to be successful it is absolutely necessary that you supply the GO-Box number, the licence plate number, the PAN and the reason for having it blocked (marked for contract termination). You will find the PAN (Personal Account Number) e.g. in all GO sales outlet documents or in the individual transaction information. If you do not know your PAN, please send us a fax message including your official company signature and stamp.

Once it has been confirmed on our part that the GO-Box has been successfully blocked, you can send it to the following address:

ASFINAG Maut Service GmbH Am Europlatz 1 A-1120 Wien

In case a valid pre-pay credit is still saved on your GO-Box, please also include your international bank details incl. IBAN and BIC/SWIFT, so that, if necessary, we can refund the money to you by bank transfer. It is only necessary to supply your bank details if you have acquired the pre-pay credit with cash or with your debit card (Maestro), and if you want to return the GO-Box to us by post."

KERÄNEN KAUKO 15.04.2012 14:17

Kiitos :)

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