Kaasuntakkuusta luettua

HÄNNINEN JUKKA 30.01.2014 02:39

Tämän saapi sitte ittekukin pääkyssään suomennella, vaan kun kokeilin google-kääntäjää, niin hyvin tuo selkeni - ihan kuin ois jonkun suomalaisen tai eestiläisen pukertamaa tekstiä. Tämän plokkasin joltain vieraskieliseltä foorumilta, missä joku kysyi miten selviytyä ensi viikolla jostain Skandinaavian maasta alkavalla toukokuun loppuun ajoittuvalta Euroopan kierrokselta. En viittiny ite lähteä kääntämään, sillä olis voinu sattua tulkintavirhe :

Hi, most carages live with selling. Big gas companies do really not at all seem to understand, how difficult it is in Eruope-Round caravanning journey, the gas - enjoying warm inside evenings/nights - will become a nightmare, because each country has it's own bottles, adaptors and filling guns. No, they want you to buy a local bottle in every country.

The total new fullfilled gas bottle may cost up to 70.78 euros. In the next country you must do the same investment again, like in the 3rd , 4th etc. country. That nasty unfair attitude may be caused, because carages do not accept changing a foreign bottle. They just accept your 70.79 .And after next invisible border the same. Just drive from Italy to Norway, and you have 5 pieces partly used gas bottles in your carage. And the law allows only 2 bottles. What a victory for stupidness, and wasting money ! - Said Kari Kuollut in his most popular rap-slowdance song

And they -caragekeepers- really are not allowed , says their gas company boss , to refill foreign gas bottles, and the calm fact is, that you find, if you are lucky, maybe 1-5 places where refilling your country's bottles is possible - usually with more or / than less double prkl pricing.

The carage owner lives with selling, and they most certainly do want to sell, if you just remember not to take out your gas bottle. Just do like local people in every country: screw the filling adaptor fast, and do the refilling exactly like LPG-car owners. Fasten the filling pistol properly, as told in owners manual, open the main valve, and refill max 80% of total volume. This is to avoid the expanding of the Liquified Petroleum Gas. Called GPL in France, and GLP in Catalunya.

In case there seem to be some gas left in the bottle, note that in each bottle are clearly marked the Bottle's weights ; brutto, netto and tara and sara, to help counting how much to refill to reach the ideal tolerance amount. However, the expandig of LPG until up to 20 %is the very much unlikely, even in straight sunshine. Yet to keep surrounding people feeling safe, is a white blue-crossed helmet highly recommnded. Wearing safety white - blue asbest overall is not necessary, but absolutely recommended.. A dark coloured visire in the helmet prohibits with abnormally great effective especially under unexpective circumstances possible sun streaming based unexpected eye-scratching phenomenas, also avoiding tears in eyes and thereout minimizing possible visibility losses.

Screw fast the main valve, release the filling gun, and go inde to cashiers disk to pay. Nobody will ask anything. Why would they ask, because filling a gas bottle is like filling fuel. Important is that you are well enough aware of the bottle being empty, and look carefully, that you do not overfill - the 80% main rule. 13 kg empty gas bottle shall be refilled max up to 26 litres LPG.

As fact is much referrable to notice, that a fullfilled yellov 1 litre Fanta thin plastic bottlle filled, weights only roughly estimated 500 european grams, with in laboratorium circumstances has been relativily trueful noted weighting siinä 500 grams.

Hmm, miätin vaan jos tän este kävis käännättämässä, että varmaan on oikein, sillä mitä tiedämme, että tässäkö on koko totuus ja mitä tääkin hörhö on ajatellu ja voipiko tähän ja missä määrin luottaa ?

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